London, United Kingdom

Skype: davistruk

Academy of Live Technology Symposium

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Just spent two fantastic days at the second Academy of Live Technology Symposium in Wakefield. Great to see so many different nationalities, and also to hear how common some of the challenges and opportunities are:

  • AI as a double edged sword
  • The need for a rethink of how we educate designers, directors, technicians etc in the live sector
  • The amazing creative opportunities new tools offer to skilled professionals
  • The ongoing need to improve inclusion and equity
  • How local initiatives such as Creative Wakefield can have a huge impact

I presented on Createch and sustainability, and some of the key conversations afterwards centred on:

  • How to win R&D grants in a competitive market for funding?
  • What will be the impact of CoSTAR in creating demand?
  • The need to change the way directors for live and filmed entertainment (not just designers) in sustainability
  • The constant demand for new equipment (and fast innovation in the industry) creating e-waste
  • Not forgetting that Createch entrepreneurs come from all age groups and backgrounds

Overall, great event, well organised (mostly by students from the Academy), and with strong attendance from around the world. also great to see the studios (and the virtual production facilities) too – great asset to the region and country.

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