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Skype: davistruk

About Trevor Davis

Trevor Davis

Dr Trevor Davis
Consumer Industry Futurist

Trevor is a consumer industry futurist, a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts and former IBM Distinguished Engineer. He is also an expert on good practices for developing and launching sustainable products.

With over 25 years of international business experience in the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry and agriculture, Trevor brings deep industry insight and a distinctive point of view on digital technologies such as Big Data, the Internet of Things, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence.

While at IBM Trevor was a Member of the IBM Industry Academy and took a leading role in bringing the IBM Smarter Planet vision to life, and has been widely quoted in the media and conference circuit on sustainability (for example in The Manufacturer).

For many years Trevor has been a pioneer in development and application of cognitive computing and big data techniques. For example, in the food, beverage and fashion industries, Trevor is a leader in using machine-learning techniques for market research and predicting trends. Trevor’s most recent research and practice has focused on ethical application of the latest digital technologies to consumer-brand relationships, sensory science and sustainability. His innovative techniques for consumer insight – ‘Birth of a Trend’ – have been featured in Advertising Age, the New York Times and Forbes.

Trevor has been a key contributor to IBM’s breakthrough work on the changing relationship between consumers and brands: “Brand enthusiasm: More than loyalty” , “Ready for prime time? New lessons on building the consumer products brand experience”, and “Generation Z: What brands should know about today’s youngest consumers.” This work has now been recognised internationally with the CBRA Stetik Brand Relationships Award, which acknowledges individuals for their significant contribution to applied brand relationships research.
